sabato 22 agosto 2015

London from a different "speed of view"

Mid July, nice warm evening, perfect condition to meet a friend that I hadn't seen for such a long time and that accidentally I found living in London just as me.
After a pizza and a some delicious grilled fish he had the nice idea of asking me: "You know what?! If you want I could give you a ride back to home with my Vespa!"
I tried to convince him that I use to live on de other side of the city from where we were, but he was really decided so eventually we took this ride.
For me it has been a really special moment I have to admit it, I really enjoyed seen London from a different point of view the temperature was perfect and he rode the motorbike well so I was confident and happy.
Unfortunately I think that my friend realized too late that I wasn't exaggerating about the distance so after leaving me he had to goes back to his place retracing all the road... Poor thing, I think all the trip took him something like 2 hours... Probably I will never ever call me back too see me again....
Sorry mate!

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